24. Dreams About The Future
April 5th Sunday, 2020
Dear Blog,
I had a dream about my parents last night. As much as I know that dream is too much a subject to discuss in any medium at all, particularly in a blog where the readers are consist of sane people who would like to read something rational and constructive about their lives, I, Hanson He, chose to reveal everything that he had experienced in the night before he’d lost his mind, something real and scary about his life that he would never have admitted when he was sober. And yes, dear readers, you can use the print of this printed page as a piece of evidence to serve in the court, that your favorite writer had become insane in his pursuit of truth. He would like to admit in front of all the people who had ever had faith in him to say that he was incredibly sorry, that he had wasted all those times with them. He thought that he would say something truthful about the world but it turned out that he was just somebody who was so cautious to make a mistake that he had never disabled the function of Grammarly in the browser of Chrome because he was so afraid of been seen as a fraud. You see, he had spent so many times trying to become an American that he had never spent a moment to think about what it takes is to be Hansen He, a living and breathing human being with his feelings because in his upbrings he had been taught that everything American and European was to be desirable, and everything Chinese was wrong since that was how his father Richard had the opportunity and aspiration to work for Chicago’s Children’s Hospital, a piece of advice from the past that lasted till the present moment. To be precise, Lurie Children’s Hospital Of Chicago, a place focused on the wellbeing of children everywhere without the concern of the individual financial situations of the families was the last thing Hansen could do as an unborn fetus in the year of 1994, when his parents were both pregnant with him, in the event of their mutual drunkenness, which was probably more pathetic when they conceived him while drunk as compared to sober. They had him despite their dream of living in the States, or rather, in spite of their dreams, and learned to be content with it, until his dear friend Sophie pointed to him in a message that was too embarrassed for him to admit in public.