Category: Essays


The Third Path

It is almost impossible to describe the trials and tribulations that occurred during the past few months. In the past, I could only understand the...


Chasing The Sun

Dear Blog, Today marks the end of my first month working at my new job. The last time I wrote here, I was still jobless...


The Truth For Now

January 6th, 2022 Thursday Dear Blog, I have decided to come back to writing my blog because I have eliminated one major roadblock: the approval...


A Dance with Destiny

Watched Better Call Saul Season 5 Episode 8, titled “Bagman” last night. I cannot get over it. It felt almost like a biblical parable without...


New Chapter

Dear Reader: I’m back! As you can see, I haven’t written anything in quite some time, but I decide to come back because it’s a...



我回来啦! 博客好久没有更新了,是因为我想一个人静一静,想想事情。现在好像睡了一场大觉,决定醒来做点事情了。写一写心得。